WRA commends Africa Development Bank (AfDB) for supporting Tefki residents in Ethiopia under the Water and Sanitation Project.


As Covid-19 blowouts around the world, excellent personal hygiene and water sanitation is more crucial than ever. Washing your hands is the best security against the vilest pandemic in decades. Imagine a community without access to portable water and in the face of this global plague? One can only conclude that the consequences will be calamitous. The importance of washing hands with water and soap in times like this cannot be overemphasized.

It is in this light that, Water for Rural Africa (WRA) wishes to commend the African Development Bank (AfDB) for supporting the residents of Tefki in Ethiopia under the Water and Sanitation Project. This will greatly help the fighting chance of the residents against Covid-19.

It is reported that, private household connections have tripled with public water points sources doubled in Tefki as a result of the intervention. This progress is very significant in the quest to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 (Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all)

According to the United Nations, despite the progress being recorded, billions of people still lack safe water, sanitation and handwashing facilities. Data suggests that achieving universal access to even basic sanitation service by 2030 would require doubling the current annual rate of progress. More efficient use and management of water are critical to addressing the growing demand for water, threats to water security and the increasing frequency and severity of droughts and floods resulting from climate change.

Going forward, WRA wishes to encourage the Africa Development Bank to continue the good work and expand their allocations to cover other areas in Africa, especially in the sub-Saharan region of the continent.


Email: info@ waterforruralafrica.org

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