Makana Municipality running out of water, introduces water rationing measures


The water crisis in the Eastern Cape municipality of Makana is so dire that it will now start implementing water rationing measures.

Acting spokesperson Anele Mjekula said an ongoing drought meant dam levels on the western side of Makana – which include Settlers, Jameson and Howiesons Poort dams – have dropped below abstraction point.

“Supply to the Makana system is now wholly dependent on the small amount of water provided by the newly connected boreholes and what is produced at the James Kleynhans water treatment works,” added Mjekula.

In order to maintain equitable levels across all the city’s reservoirs, it had become necessary to implement water rationing, with phase one set to be implemented with immediate effect, he said

Mjekula added escalating the levels would be communicated at an appropriate time.

“We are pleading with the community to continue to use water sparingly and that residents adhere to the restriction of 25l per person per day to a maximum of four people per household.”

A breakdown of the different water restriction phases:

Phase One:

No Sunday supply.

This has proven to be an effective measure in allowing reservoir levels to recover enough to ensure supply for the first part of the week.

Phase Two:

No Sunday supply.

Supply restricted to between 06:00 and 18:00 daily.

Phase Three:

No Sunday supply.

No Wednesday supply.

Supply restricted to between 06:00 and 18:00 daily.

Source: News24

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