There are large pools of capital for investments that could be used for ambitious water projects. It’s up to political leaders to be bold and embrace practical responses. We, all of us, want to show them the way.
23 August 2019, Stockholm, Sweden – “A strong signal of commitment needs to come from all levels of political governance to set the tone and increase financing flows for water resources security and management.” This is the message World Water Council President Loic Fauchon will share with leaders of the water community and decisionmakers during World Water Week.
Water needs money
Water provision and management is expensive, especially in countries that have too much or too little water. It is costly to build, maintain, and renew infrastructure and equipment such as massive water transfers, large reservoirs, desalination plants, and wastewater re-use systems. Above all, training must be provided to all the men and women who ensure water services.
Water is Politics
The funds are available, but nobody wants to spend them on water. Political decisionmakers must assume their responsibilities. They are the only ones who can create the right environments that will reassure investors and attract capital. Greater political priority for water and sanitation is indispensable to unleash the financial resources that are needed.
World Water Council offers practical responses
In addition to the Council’s policy recommendations, Loic Fauchon will be proposing practical responses to water financing issues for political leaders, such as:
- Erase the “water debt” in 50 countries most affected by the lack of water;
- Associate water financing projects with other services (energy, food, health,
- education);
- Apply the principle of “water pays water” to states and municipalities.
The Council uses every opportunity it has to raise awareness on these issues at the highest levels and will continue to call for greater political priority to provide water and sanitation for all.